Saturday, May 18, 2013

San Gorgonio Mountain

Today, I climbed the highest mountain in Southern California. At 11,503 feet, San Gorgonio is the 24th tallest mountain in all of California. It was about a 25 mile hike. We started somewhere around 6,500ft elevation, so it wasn't that bad of a climb, but it was the longest downhill hike I've ever done. And it was the highest I've been yet -- no altitude sickness here!

The flowery red thing is called a "snow plant". It's actually a fungus, I think.

There was a lot of snow.

Up above the clouds. As I was driving to the hike, it was rainy and cloudy and gross and I was kind of worried. But we didn't have to deal with it because we were on top of it!

THAT is Mt. San Jacinto! I was up there a week ago!

Mustapha and Chris.

L to R: Mike, Mustapha, Jess, Steve, Alan, Chris and Doug.

You can see the desert in the distance.

The mooooon.

Alan and some plane wreckage.

More wreckage.

This is called Dry Lake. They are standing in it.

The route from my GPS watch.

Just me!

This was followed by Mexican/Yucatan food and a long drive home. So tired!


  1. You are so beautiful and every time I look at your blog I realize I am smiling this huge, doofy smile while I read about all the cool things you are doing. Love you!

    1. I think this is Sara.... You're very sweet! Thank you. I love you!!!

  2. "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOo0o0oww!" -- "JESS THIS IS TOO COOL!" -muffin

    1. Kelly, this is kind of weird. But I suppose Muffin's interest stems from her own experience traveling.
