Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Opening Day at Del Mar Racetrack

Today, I attended opening day at the Del Mar Racetrack. It was really fun. I made some new friends on the bus on the way to the track from the train station, and they were able to sneak me in for free, so that was super cool! It was a really fun day replete with way-too-short skirts, way-too-high heels and way-too-big hats. 

Crazy hat

I headed over to the infield to see what it was like over there. Some really drunk dudes offered me a drink from a flask that was disguised as binoculars. I thought that was pretty cool. Tequila in one side, whiskey in the other.

The middle horse's hooves are all off the ground. Cool, huh?

Crazy hat contestants.

I think this is the chick who won (the one in the middle whose hat is 3 times her size).

These hats are winners from past years.

Hey y'all!

Bus ride back to the train station.

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