Friday, July 19, 2013


Today, I worked during Comic-Con in San Diego as a brand ambassador/promo model for It was me and a bunch of other girls, all dressed in t-shirts with different "puzzle pieces" on the back and people had to take pictures of our backs and then put an image together and post it online in order to win prizes. It was really fun (and really easy money)!

Despicable Me minion blimp

Regular Show! AND a bunch of kids dressed up as Finn, LSP, Marceline and Bubblegum Princess walking by! SO COOL! Seriously, though... <3 Regular Show

Lots of things about this are weird.


Batman goin' all Sister Mary Catherine on me.

These dogs are fat. And lazy. Obviously.


On the clock. Jess and Charlie (one of my "coworkers") hanging out with the "FBI". I look like a Beastie Boy.

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