Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Yesterday Jordan and I drove to Eugene, Oregon to visit his father, David, and David's wife, Anne. Anne's mother, Gerry, was there, too.

Road trippin'. I still don't know what that big crater-looking thing is. 

Welcome to Oregon!



At David's request, Jordan cooked up some absolutely delicious burgers with onions and goat cheese, as well as asparagus and fries. After dinner, we all hung out and played cards for hours.

Jordan and I woke up today and went over the University of Oregon to run, because Pre's Running Trail is there. We had a really nice run and even saw a topless woman riding a bike, as well as another woman sitting in some bushes meditating on the side of the trail. Welcome to Oregon.

David, Anne, Jordan and I went to Ninkasi Brewery for some tasters and lunch. We spent the rest of the day and night at home.

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