Saturday, March 30, 2013

Would You Like to Try an Organic Energy Chew or Waffle Sweetened With Honey?

Don't laugh! Okay, you can laugh. 
[Also, I realize now that it might look like I have a thermostat attached to the side of my head, but I don't.]

Today, I worked at the Exchange on the Marine Corps Base doing a demo/sampling of some products from a company called Honey Stinger. It was sort of fun. 

Before finding out about this job, I had actually purchased some Honey Stinger waffles (lemon flavored ones) on my own and I really really like them! You should try them if you see them in the store -- they're a nice alternative to energy bars that have weird gritty textures and not-quite-right flavors. 

I think maybe the Honey Stinger bee is the more athletic and intense brother of the Buzz bee.



  1. 1. You look tan, healthy, and happy
    2. I like the Stinger waffles! Chris and I shared some recently, i think on the train into the city to the Marathon expo. Yummy in a weird way!

    1. 1. Thanks, gurl! Mom says I look like I'm in an ad for Subway.
      2. I'm glad you like em! I really do, too. And so does Lance!
