Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cactus to Clouds

You will perhaps recall that I did a hike a while back called "Skyline" on Mt. San Jacinto. In my post about that hike, I mentioned that what I REALLY wanted to do was a 21ish-mile hike called "Cactus to Clouds", which starts on the desert floor (approx elevation 500ft) and takes you to San Jacinto Peak (elevation 10,834ft) and then down to the tram station where you get a ride back down to the desert floor.

We started at midnight, on the desert floor. The temperature was about 80F. As we got higher up, it started to cool down, which was definitely welcome.

Chris, Nikkie, Jess, Jordan and Charlie. Only a few miles in. Sweaty.

Coachella Valley

The moon and the lights of the tram again!

The moon before sunrise.

The sky beginning to brighten.

A cool Tetris-y rock. Like, it fits together. But why is it broken anyway?

Coffman's Crag. This time I know the name!

Okay, so we've made it to about 8,600ft/10 miles here. This is basically the point at which we were done (aside from getting to the tram) when we did Skyline. So...the final 2,200ft/11 miles will be a piece of cake........right?

WRONG! This sign is at 9,700ft. About 700ft below this point, I started to feel really strange. The altitude was affecting me and I was feeling really dizzy, breathless, faint and just sort of "drunk". Charlie was also feeling it. I started to worry that if I continued, I was going to pass out and then my friends were going to have to "deal with" me. 

I know it's not flattering, but I think it illustrates my point: I didn't feel well.

Anyway, we kept plugging along and I kept feeling (and acting) weird.

This is an emergency shelter for people who get stuck near the peak of Mt. San Jacinto in snow, etc. 

This is the inside of the emergency shelter.


We're doing the "C2C" thing with our hands. Everyone thought it was a great idea. I just did what they said.

We all made it.

I'm happy! Honestly, I cannot begin to explain how elated I was for days following this.

And then no one wanted to move:

 Some views from the summit (it was pretty hazy):

The hike down was annoying because we were all so tired and 5.5 miles back the way you came feels sort of unfair when you've already summited. It should just be over when you reach the top! Like in video games. Mission accomplished. Next level please.

 Some views on the way down.

Arrogant Bastard Ale at the tram station before heading down.

Tram station. 

Charlie, Nikkie, Chris and I went and got burgers and fries and milkshakes, and if I hadn't been SO HUNGRY (and also apparently drunk off altitude + 1 beer), you would've gotten a big sloppy picture of that, too.


  1. thank you ! great post...that must have been a great feeling! proud of you!!
